Already signed up for my next BIG bike ride, Trans Oceania (11.000 k through Indonesia and Australia) last winter - knew that it would be so much easier to go again just 8 months after my last ride, The Bamboo Road (Hongkong to Penang = 4.500 k). So now I am heading for Singapore to visit friends until Saturday the 16th of August where I go to Medan, Sumatra to start a 10 weeks ride through the Indonesian archipelago on the 18th.
Putting up my Hubba Hubba tent up in from of the summer house in Skagen at Dk's most northern point.
Tenting is said for Australia..

At the start of my practice race: Arlberg Giro 148 k 2400 vertical - 2 weeks before Trans Oceania.. |
Drama 4 days before departure for Singapore: not possible just to change chain - the whole cassette must be changed.. No such thing at my bike dealer and too late to get one from somewhere else.. A horror scenario: being forced to buy a new bike (only one could come into question) with practically no time to test it! Until Clemens, my mechanic, "stole" the whole thing from a brand new bike in the shop - I was so pleased that I bought him 6 bottles of Antiniori Classico redwine for him..
Zürich Airport. 1 bikebox 25 k, 2 duffelbags 26 k. + present for Freja and Troy Storm in Singapore..
I wish you an amazing and safe trip. Your enthusiasm for adventure is very inspiring.