Did the 160 k's day ending our 5 days of 680 something's bloc today. And it was great! Started out with John and a tailwind. Both good for my speed. John is 69 and a super consistent and fast rider. When I follow him I tend to speed up - good for my average - which beat it's record with 30. After lunch I first wanted to go a little slower on my own but ended up in a peloton with Shirly, Dan, John and Jody - also very good!
A crest..
Came in at Tennant Creek around 1pm and "moved into" the nice little "gypsy" wagon that I already reserved in August before going away (when I still thought that I only should take rooms on rest days).. There's a swimming pool just next to it - not bad.. Many people from the group wanted rooms but had to go to the hotel at the other side of the road as our campground only have limited accommodation. Unfortunately there is no wifi there so now I am at Paul, Paul + David's room at the hotel doing my internet stuff. We will go for dinner shortly at the "Tennant Creek Memorial Club". Should be the best place in town to eat. And as we have a rest day tomorrow we are in the mood for good food - and surprise, surprise - some Australian wine - not bad!
Now it's Saturday. Had a nice dinner and quite some wine last night - it was Halloween and it was packed at "the club". Woke up at 6 (long sleep in!). Did some washing and got stuff sorted out from my permanent bag. Inflated my thermo rest fully - first used my little pump and finished blowing as much air into it as I could by mouth - will check if it holds the air shortly when I come back.. After Alice Springs we have 4 days of bush camping - so there will be no cabins to rent. So I MUST organize my camping!
Just came back from a huge breakfast at a local greek restaurant - feel stuffed - nice! Tennant Creek is a very strange 3000 inhabitants place. Again in the middle of nowhere - empty streets on a Saturday morning - except for a few white and aboriginal people. All houses are one story - it reminds me of an american movie going on in the far west.. Wonder if/why people choose to live here!?
Just counted the left riding days on my TDA sheet - 36 more of them. That means we have done nearly 2/3 of our trip.. Have done EFI in Australia so far - 1000 k's altogether.. Very happy about that!
Paul from England came up with the idea that we should make a handicap race one of the coming days - to make a little change in our pretty monotonous riding. Everybody shall give in their normal average day speed and start according to that. Slowest first - fastest last. That might be fun..
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