torsdag den 28. august 2014

Back to normal health/riding..

Finished the third out of a block of 5 riding days today. Did all the 122, 119 and 141 k's - it would not have been possible without normal health - so no more talk about stomach problems. The new "problem" is the heat. It is getting extraordinarily warm these days. Up to the far end of the thirties in c. Combined with extremely high degree of humidity. I am happy that I did India and South East Asia - I know that I can menage the heat. The rides are also getting more similar to each other. We now follow the coast south and make small detours in the backcountry during the day. There we get some climbs - but mostly like rolling up and down - and not the killer version just going mercilessly up.. Yesterday we had the most ugly accommodation so far - like a series of rooms facing a backyard with geese and chickens running around. It was very basic with like at basin of water and a hole in the ground for toilet. But it was not really dirty. In the middle of the night I woke up because a truck parked just in front of my room - apparently it was a truck driver's place.. We walked to the village (a couple of kilometers) to get dinner at a very local place. Lots of children were watching us from the street, hanging at the open windows - and women with or without babies and children came to have their picture taken together with us. I am slowly learning how it must be to be a royal - everybody want to come into contact with you..

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