lørdag den 30. august 2014

A rollercoaster ride..

Here's most of the team..
From left: Hans (Vancouver), me, Henry (owner of TDA), Nelli (Henry's niece, Washinton),  Christiano (our tour leader, Brazil), Bob (Ottawa), Shirly (Cape Cod), Dan (Cape Cod), Chelsea (our nurse, Ottawa), Andreas (Toronto, assistant tour leader), Joachim (Stuttgart, Germany), Chris (Vancouver),  Jacqueline, leaning back (Melbourne, Australia), John (Vancouver), Brett (Sydney, Australia), Sterling (Cairnes, Australia), Dara (London), Paul (London), Cathrine (Vancouver)..

Sitting around the dinner table - at another meal where I have to force myself to get it down. I am not a fan of indenesian food - so far. Considering the 3-4.000 extra calories we easily need when biking more than 120 k a day it is a bit difficult to keep one's weight. Well, my stomach problems did not help either - really bad start.. But today at our rest day I have decided to eat all day. We are in some kind of designer hotel that also offers international cuisine. Started out with hamburgers and french fries last night - and got 4-5 servings from the breakfast buffet + a Magnum ice-cream this morning. Am planning to go to a dutch bakery for lunch - so things seem to work out for me today.
 We just finished s section of 5 days riding with a sum of nearly 700 k's. That means that our overall sum is around 1200 k's. The last couple of days it was like being on a roller coaster. Pretty steep rides down and going up immediately  afterwards.. It's so much fun - better than Tivoli in Copenhagen.. But in the heat of the afternoon it gets tough going up. When I arrived at the hotel yesterday I did not feel well - the heat, says Henry - he has it all the time. I immediately laid down on my bed and got better in an hour or so.. 
 Tomorrow we start the last Sumatra section. After 6 days of riding we have a little ferry ride to Java - the most overpopulated island ever - wonder how the traffic will be?

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