lørdag den 27. december 2014

Back in snowy St. Anton - definitive last post on this blog!

Been home for 3 days. Had a cosy and relaxed Christmas here at home. Old friends and family around - nice to be back to my "normal" world again. And everything is getting intensified by having explored a new part of the world - and myself - by another long bike ride. I am very thankful to everybody that has been part of this experience. You helped me getting out of my comfort zone and seeing the world in a new light.. We have a famous danish author: Hans Christian Andersen. He said: "To travel is to live" - I agree! And "I will be back" - on another tour - hopefully not before too long. Here in St. Anton where I live it's pouring down snow since yesterday - and it will continue for a while according to the weather report. I already went skiing a couple of times. My legs are pleasantly strong - but not tuned for skiing yet - it will come - hopefully. My touring push bike - as it is called in Australia - is still in the box. My race bike is on the balcony - in the far corner where the snow does not get in. I see it from where I sit now - I am so happy to have cycling as part of my life!

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